Keppel completes structure of Genting Lane data centre

Keppel yesterday announced the structural completion of its data centre at 82 Genting Lane.

Keppel completes structure of Genting Lane data centre
Artist's Impression: Keppel Ltd

Keppel yesterday announced the structural completion of its data centre at 82 Genting Lane.

  • This is an interesting data centre, located on land carved out from Singapore Press Holdings (SPH).
  • It was also the only data centre announced during the data centre moratorium in 2020, as part of a joint venture with SPH.

You can read about the moratorium here:

🏢 Keppel DC Singapore 8

Details about the new data centre are scarce, and the press team declined to answer further questions.

Here's what we know:

  • Six-storey data centre.
  • 100,882 sq ft of lettable space.
  • Will meet Green Mark Platinum or "similar".

Keppel DC Singapore 8 is the 2nd facility of a 3-DC campus, though the press announcement in 2020 only cited plans to "develop and operate a data centre".

Keppel DC Singapore 7 was the first data centre completed and operational since 2023. It is a seven-storey facility.

🍕 A sizeable Singapore portfolio

Unlike Singtel which plans to eventually shut down five of its oldest data centres, leaving just two facilities - DC West and DC Tuas, Keppel has a substantial footprint in Singapore.

The seven Keppel data centres are located strategically around Singapore: Serangoon, Tampines, Woodlands, Tanjong Kling, and Sunview.

The Woodlands data centre, DC1, was once named 1-Net North Data Centre, and acquired by Keppel in 2019 - I toured it and stood on its roof way back in 2016.

🔐 A key data centre player

Keppel data centres are known to host the IT systems of many government agencies and key institutes in Singapore.

To my knowledge, it also hosts the primary data centre of the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) - which suffered an unfortunate outage way back in 2014.

For now, Keppel DC Singapore 8 is already fully leased to clients from the cloud, internet, enterprise, and telecom sectors.

This means we will have to wait for Keppel DC Singapore 9 for a chance to improve the minuscule 1.65% data centre vacancy rate in Singapore: