Making friends for life takes effort on our part

Do you have fewer friends as you age?

Making friends for life takes effort on our part
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jordan Steranka

Do you have fewer friends as you age?

Making friends was easy when we were young. Back in the day, I had friends everywhere:

  • Classmates.
  • Each of my 5 CCAs.
  • Gaming acquaintance.
  • Friends from BBS community.

But things change when we get older, and priorities of life impinge. Career, young kids, then elderly parents.

As our circle of friends shrinks, we console ourselves that we are trading quantity for quality. And it holds true. For a season at least.

Then something happens to our closest friends.

  • Move out of town or drift away.
  • Cut you off for slights, perceived or real.
  • Rigidity sets in and minor differences blow up.
  • Started taking you for granted and become curt.

Reverse the decline

They say friends offer emotional support, personal growth, and practical help.

But what can you do when old friends decide to call things off, refusing to engage? Unfortunately, likely not much at that point.

But while we can't change others, we can work on ourselves. By improving our approach to relationships by being more open, understanding, and proactive.

And should you ever feel offended? Stop! Take a deep breath.

  • Avoid being hasty.
  • Be more compassionate.
  • Reflect on our behaviours first.
  • Seek to understand their perspective.

It's probably nothing; and you'll forget everything by morning. And if it still bothers you? There's always the right time and place to talk.

What are your secrets to maintaining your friendships?