How empathetic AI agents will rewrite your app experience

Can you imagine launching an app and seeing just a few options? But surprise - they are all relevant.

How empathetic AI agents will rewrite your app experience
Photo Credit: Paul Mah

Can you imagine launching an app and seeing just a few options? But surprise - they are all relevant.

  • No more paging through multiple menus.
  • Stabbing irritably at random icons.
  • Getting 'lost' in the UI.

Welcome to the world of empathetic AI.

Knowing what you want

Gurdeep Pall, the newly appointed president of AI Strategy at Qualtrics was excited to share about the future of CX when I met him earlier this month.

He told me: “Imagine [a world] where you're not fighting with friction; there is actually no friction, be it on web or mobile.”

For example:

  • Changing a flight booking?
  • Various relevant tasks simply appear.
  • App UI constantly adapts itself to your needs.

According to him, next-generation customer experiences will only be possible through empathy.

But empathy is no black magic. At its heart, it is about knowing customers completely to deliver both personalised and predictive experiences.

And Gurdeep thinks empathetic AI agents can make this work: “The next big wave of post-mobile apps is going to be highly empathetic agents."

Read my story on CDOTrends here.