Are you falling behind by default?

If you are not making progress, then you might be falling behind.

Are you falling behind by default?

If you are not making progress, then you might be falling behind.

It started with a game of table soccer, or foosball, that we chanced upon at the hotel.

Squeals of delight, unabashed laughter, and the occasional excited shouts soon followed.

⚽ Intent on winning

My daughter was competitive and set out to win. She worked the rods intently, rotating them with aplomb, and getting off powerful shots.

But time and again, the ball slipped past her goalie.

I was on the other side of the table looking relaxed. But really, I was trying to get my hand-eye coordination in sync to catch the ball.

So why was I ahead?

🏆 Are you taking the initiative?

The truth soon dawned on me. I was winning not due to my lacklustre skill, but because I was maintaining the initiative.

I was constantly working out an angle to score; she was perpetually on the last two rods fending off my attempts.

How are you faring today? Do you constantly feel that you are:

  • Always a step behind?
  • Perpetually off balance?
  • Forever in catch-up mode?
  • Constantly under pressure?

Perhaps it's not for a lack of trying. But a need to do things differently and regain the initiative.

👟 Time to step up

So how can we take the initiative? Simple. Shift from a reactive mindset to being proactive and taking charge.

Work on your beliefs by:

  • Reading suitable self-help books.
  • Doing daily reflections.
  • Praying more.

Take charge by:

  • Connecting with positive and supportive people.
  • Allocating time to initiatives that move the needle.
  • Making the decision to drop things that don't help.

Remember, the key to taking the initiative is to act with purpose, even when the path ahead may seem uncertain.

🧠 What are you doing this weekend to step up?

Image Credit: Paul Mah